Sunday, July 20, 2008

How different is San Francisco?

Last week Apple released the latest edition of its I-phone. For several days there was a long line on Stockton St. It took me a couple days to realize these people had lined up to exchange thier old phone. I wasn't surprised that people would waste several hours to get a new gadget as soon as possible, but it struck me that San Francisco has more in common with other cities than we think. The city council and Gavin Newman, the mayor, want to restrict smoking even more. And the California state legislature is considering banning trans fat. Other cities have banned smoking and trans fat (New York banned trans fat last year, and Paris and London both have strong restrictions on smoking). Perhaps San Francisco is like any other American city. The only difference is that you might have to listen to someone tell you that the man on the corner is the devil. I would write more, but I need to give my spare change to the homeless man who needs money for marijuana research.


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